3D Level 1 V1
CAGD 270
3D Game Level 1
For our first playtest on our 3D levels designed in Unity, I had four people try my game. Two of these people are my roommates, and have experience with games. One individual was a colleague in another class, and the final playtester was a neighbor in my apartment complex. Each person played through the level once while I observed, and then gave me feedback at the end. My goal was to first see the areas that players either struggled or found trivial, before having them think back on the experience and tell me their observations.
What went right:
Starting with what went right during this playtest, every player was able to go through the level without failure, or without game bugs from stopping them from progression. No player needed to quit, or restart the level. Players also understood the controls quickly, allowing them to play without the burden of needing to learn a complex system. Feedback from one of the players said that the enemies grouped together with a ranged enemy in the back felt like a good encounter.
What went wrong:
More constructive feedback about what could be improved included how easy the enemies were to defeat, as well as the shortness of the level. Using this feeback, I plan to change how my enemies are laid out on the map, as well as the amount of health that they have. This could be a good way to lengthen the encounter and add difficulty. I also plan to extend the level, as all players finished within six minutes, with one player only taking 3 minutes and 43 seconds. This is shorter than I intended.
Critical Path, Flow, and Circulation:
The critical path of my level was obvious and no player looked confused or hesitated on moving forward on the correct path. Using indicators in the level as progression marks worked nicely, with players using this in context to figure out what they needed to do. These markers helped the players in a section of the level that required circling back after getting a switch from each room to open a door, which finally led them to the final platforming section.
I look forward to working on the next iteration of this level, and on extending it to better match players expectations.
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