3D Level 2 V1
CAGD 270 - Level Design
3D Level 2 v1 Feedback
- What went right?
- My playtesters liked the second area of the map, once the players enter a large building structure. There is a large door in a central area that requires multiple switches to be activated in order to open it.
- Areas required backtracking in order to get the switches, with hidden health and enemies throughout the rooms. There is also a parkour section that players got through easily, which led to them enjoying it.
- What went wrong?
- The playtesters averaged a time less than I expected. 3 playtesters took about 7 minutes, with 2 testers taking 16 and 17 minutes. I believe that this was due to the players experience playing the previous iteration, as well as their experience playing other video games.
- A player had a difficult time completing the platforming section of the level. While this level was supposed to be hard, they had a hard time learning the player movement with limited exposure to the game.
- How might you improve your maze next time?
- I want to increase the importance of the maze, as I felt that it didn't have much maze essence to it the first time around. This would include increasing the size of the map, as well as offering more player choices to move in incorrect directions.
- Players were able to skip past a section of the maze, so I plan to change the wall layout to prevent this in the future.
- I want to change the order that challenges are presented in my level. Sections felt to close together and could use some spacing.
- Were the challenges presented appropriate to the skill level of the player?
- For 3 of my playtesters, the challenge was appropriate and allowed for a nice playthrough, if not too easy.
- For 2 of my less experience playtesters, certain sections really pushed their abilities. This extended the time that it took and made them feel frustrated near the end.
- Was the critical path obvious?
- The critical path was obvious, but took backtracking, which caused players to need to search around for the right path to take in to find switches.
- How was the overall flow?
- Some players flowed through the map very well and quickly, but 2 took a lot of time running across the map searching for the correct path.
- Were there circulation elements?
- There were circulation elements that were required to progress further towards the boss.
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