
Showing posts from February, 2021

DnD Map v2 Feedback

  CAGD 270 - Level Design Simple DnD Map v2 Feedback   The players of my game were Alex and Preston. Alex played as a warrior during this gameplay  while Preston played a mage again. After making some changes to the level, I felt that enemies were made to be a better tutorial experience. This included giving the players a chance to test their characters strengths and weaknesses very early in the first room. The critical path remained obvious for the players, with very small detours that would reward the player for exploration.       The changes made to the level involved two separate combat encounters. First, I added another enemy in the middle of them map pathing to extend the time the encounter would last. Secondly, I added terrain changes to the boss room that would challenge the players to stop them from sitting back at the entrance     After receiving feedback on the level and the changes that were implemented, I found that the seco...

DnD Map v1 Feedback

CAGD 270 - Level Design Simple DnD Map v1 Feedback (2-15-2021)     The players of my game were Anthony Guardado and Preston Farris. Anthony played an Archer while Preston played a mage. While playing, I felt that the combat scaling played well, and that obstacles were easy enough to figure out quickly that taught players the basic move-set and mechanics of the game. Movement flowed really well, and players interacted with the extras that were added if they decided to investigate.      I believe that we could have made this level better by providing a greater challenge that interacted with the mechanics other than simply attacking the final boss. Combat just felt too quick, and not at all like a boss battle should. While this empowered the players, I think that it didn't show enough difficulty, even if the combat felt smooth.     To improve on this map, I would make the final room more confined, and add movement obstacles to the game, including jumps th...